首页> 中文期刊>工业技术经济 >新型城镇化视角下的西部地区土地利用效益时空演进




In this paper , we construct comprehensive evaluation index system of land use efficiency under the new urbanization per-spective , using the coupling coordinated development model to do empirical research on western regional 2003-2013 12 provinces , mu-nicipalities and autonomous regions'related data , and through the geospatial analysis tool describing the coupling coordination degree of time evolution and the characteristics of spatial agglomeration . The results show that western regional new urbanization development and land use efficiency is in the initial stage of long -term reluctant coupling coordination , but the overall level shows the rise development trend , and regional differences are obvious . From the spatial features , the spatial correlation between new urbanization development and land use efficiency is obvious , and different regions show the distribution pattern of Baotuan spatial aggregation .%本文从新型城镇化的视角构建土地利用效益综合指标体系,运用耦合协调发展模型对西部地区2003~2013年12个省、直辖市和自治区的相关数据进行实证研究,并通过地理空间分析工具描述耦合协调度时间演变和空间集聚特征。结果表明:西部地区新型城镇化发展水平与土地利用效益处于勉强耦合协调阶段,但整体水平呈现上升的发展态势,区域差异明显。从空间特征上来看,新型城镇化发展水平与土地利用效益存在明显的空间正相关性,不同区域呈现抱团式空间集聚分布格局。



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