首页> 中文期刊> 《湖南大学学报(社会科学版)》 >英语字母不仅表音而且表意




The script history reveals that one probable development path of alphabetic phonemic language relevant to modern English is roughly as follows: the ancient Egyptian scripts→Phoenicia scripts→GreekLatin→modern English. Generally speaking,the scripts/words of a later civilization should develop on the basis of critically inheriting the scripts/words of the former civilizations,so, the Greek/Latin/English alphabet should represent not only sounds but also some forms of meaning. The widely-accepted theory that English letters represent sounds only should be due to the following three factors: 1) historically the work of creating scripts/words was sacred and monopolized by only a few people, who strictly kept the methods of how to create scripts/words as secret. So, they would not write down the relevant information. Even if they sporadically made some notes, because of the lack of permanent recording materials then, these notes quickly rotted away without leaving any trace. Thus, what forms of meaning the Greek/Latin/English alphabet represents remains a mystery. 2) Many English words were written down (i.e., created out) according to their pronunciations. 3) Even for the words created out by the methods similar to the ancient Egyptians creating the hieroglyphic scripts, these words sound as if they were created out just by writing down according to their pronunciations, because English letters represent not only sounds but also some forms of meaning. To explore what forms of meaning English letters represent, we can back-trace from the English words, because English words were the final thought products of the creators of English words. Finally, in order to demonstrate the cultural interaction and exchange of English with the ancient Egyptian culture, the Greek culture, and the Latin culture, some examples are presented.%根据两个假设:1)腓尼基文字可能起源于古埃及文字,2)后出现的文字是在批判性继承先前出现的文字的基础上发展起来的,可以推论希腊/拉丁/英语字母不仅表音而且表意.西方历史上,文字的创造工作被认为是神圣的﹑是被极少数人垄断的﹑是严格保密的,并且英语字母不仅表音而且表意,这两个因素造成了英语字母仅仅表示声音.破解英语字母的表意,可以从单词入手反向追溯,因为单词是文字创造者的最终思想产品.为了说明先后出现的字母音素文字之间的批判性继承关系,文末给出了一些单词实例.



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