首页> 中文期刊>湖南农业大学学报(社会科学版) >《告乡里文》:传统农学知识建构与传播的样本——兼与《劝农文》比较




徐光启的《告乡里文》是重农劝农政治文化的产物,体现了科学与社会、历史与现实的多元交汇。《告乡里文》采用了《劝农文》的形式却赋予了《劝农文》新的内容,提出了应对水灾、恢复生产方面的具体技术措施,受到农民的欢迎。他与读者的关系是乡亲关系,这种关系较之于《劝农文》所体现的官民关系,更能为农民所接受。《告乡里文》中既有徐光启原籍和外地通行的"寻种下秧",也有外地传入的"买苗补种",体现了官府提倡和民间参与下的农学知识和技术的地域交流。《告乡里文》中由徐光启创造出的"车水保苗"技术是在旧有知识传承基础上的创新,延至《农政全书》的许多内容,都体现了徐光启作为农学知识生产与传播者的继承与创新。%How did Chinese ancient scholars acquire knowledge and serve the public? How did traditional culture influence them? How did they overcome the influence of the traditional knowledge for new one? How did knowledge of different fields interact? What was the attitude of the public to scholars and officials? How did agricultural treatises written by scholars serve as media for the dissemination of agricultural innovations to and from peasants? Based on the form and content of the text of the newly found Xu Guangqi's article To My villagers, comparing with Advising Farmers, this paper study' the construction and dissemination of agricultural knowledge in traditional Chinese rural society with the respects of text, interpersonal relationship, geographical and tradition, to demonstrate the scientific knowledge and social history of multiple interactions.



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