首页> 中文期刊> 《湖北第二师范学院学报》 >以评价理论为视角解读中文电影评论中的态度资源




In this paper, an analysis is conducted into the distribution of attitudinal resources in Chinese movie reviews. In all the reviews, appreciation account for the most while the percentage of affection is the lowest, with judgement in between. That kind of distribution of attitudinal resources in the movie reviews indicates the reviewers' intention to decrease the subjectivity of his or her opinions of the movie so as to make it more convincing. In all the reviews in the study, the movie is reviewed from different aspects by employing various attitudinal resources, but some aspects of the movie are preferred to others. Generally, the evaluation of the movie focuses on the movie as a whole, the movie' s director, cinematic skills in the movie, characters in the movie and certain scenes in the movie.%根据马丁和怀特提出的评价理论对电影评论这一文体中的态度资源进行分析发现,按出现频率的高低排列,态度资源依次出现的是鉴赏资源、判断资源、情感资源。这一分布特征反应了影评作者通过运用评价资源巧妙地将其个人观点客观化.从而使其更加令人信服。五篇影评中,作者运用不同的评价资源对电影的不同方面进行评价,但评价重点主要集中在对电影整体的评价以及对导演的评价等五方面。



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