首页> 中文期刊> 《怀化学院学报》 >《哀挽歌》作者考述




南宋类书《锦绣万花谷》将《哀挽歌》作者定为卢多逊,《全宋诗》卷十八也将其著作权系于卢多逊,这实属误收。其作者应是唐人卢延让,其本来诗名应为《哭李郢端公》。理由如下:一、阮阅编《诗话总龟》中收其诗,诗题为《哭李郢端公诗》,他生活年代早于《锦绣万花谷》编撰年代;二、《锦绣万花谷》所收为节录,《诗话总龟》则相当完整,并与《全唐诗》卷七一五收录诗题与诗文一致;三、李郢与卢延让生活时代一致,且长卢延让四十岁左右,在时间上存在卢延让哭祭李郢的可能性;四、从诗歌涉及的地点看,符合李郢的人生经历。其舛误具体过程虽难以详明,但《全宋诗》将晚唐卢延让的《哭李郢端公诗》误为宋初卢多逊的《哀挽歌》则是可以肯定的。%Jin Xiu Wan Hua Gu and Quan Song Shi consider the author of Ai - wan Ge is Lu duo - xun .In fact ,the author should be Lu Yan - rang and the name should be Ku Li Ying - duan .The reasons are : First , Shi Hua Zong Gui collected the poem and the time was earlier than Jin Xiu Wan Hua Gu ;Second ,the former is part of the collection , the latter is a whole ;Third ,Li Ying and Lu Yan - rang were of the same age had the possibility to write the poem ; Fourth , from the point of view of poetry involved , in line with Li Ying's life experiences , this particular process of the error is difficult to learn .But it is certain that there are some errors in Quan Song Shi .



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