首页> 中文期刊> 《衡水学院学报》 >“与尔同销万古愁”的浪漫情怀——谈李白诗歌中的月意象内涵




一生与月结下了不解之缘的李白,从诞生到仙逝,月亮如影随形,他似乎是为月而生,一生如月一般历经阴晴圆缺,最终又捞月而死,一生浪漫而神秘,极富传奇色彩。作为最伟大的浪漫主义诗人,他把对月亮情有独钟的感悟不断融入到诗歌创作中,用与生俱来的幽默天趣、深照妙理的达观态度以及"众人皆醉我独醒"的自省意识,通过一个个月意象化解了人生的忧愁与悲酸,最终酿就了"与尔同销万古愁"的万丈豪情。%Li Bai,the ancient Chinese poet,his life is inextricably bound up with the moon.From the moment he came into birth to the day he went to glory,the image of moon was associated so closely with his life.It seems as if he lived for the bright moon all life long.He experienced both success and dilemma,just like the moon which can be dim or bright,full or wane.Even his life ended up with drowning in pursuing the illusionary moon in the water.His romantic and mysterious life experience made his life a legendary.As one of the greatest romantic poets,he fully blended his special love for the moon in his poems.With his inherent humor,love for natural beauty,profound philosophical mind and self-awareness reflected in the line"Only I am awake while the others are drunk",Li Bai dissolved all the sadness and bitterness in life through different moon images,and finally burst out the lofty sentiments in the line"dissolving great melancholy with you".



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