首页> 中文期刊>衡水学院学报 >弘扬管子的“和生”思想




管子传承史伯的“和实生物”说,认为人之生、人心之和谐、人之长寿,以及天地之美等皆由和而生。“和生”具有普适性。在“天时”“地利”“人和”中凸显“人和”。管子通过上下不和、大臣不和、万民不和的危害性,明确提出“不和不生”的观点;又明确提出“和则能久”的“久生”的观点;强调“察和之道”之不易,都是对史伯“和生学”的发展。管子“和生”思想有较强的现实意义。%Guanzi put forward Shibo’s thought of “harmony generates vitality”. He thought that man’s life, the harmony of men’s hearts, man’s long life span and the beauty of the heaven and earth all originated from harmony. Harmony works in everything. It is necessary to make “human condition” prominent among favorable climatic, geographical and human conditions. He pointed out the idea of “no harmony, no prosperity” by listing the dangers of the disagreements of superior and subordinate, minister and minister and all peoples. He also raised the idea of “harmony makes everything last long”. Meanwhile, he stressed it was difficult to realize the great significance of harmony. All of the ideas raised by him promoted Shibo’s thought of “harmony generates vitality”, which has great practical significance.



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