首页> 中文期刊> 《河南农业科学》 >不同制油工艺所产芝麻饼粕对烟叶产量、品质及经济效益的影响




为明确不同制油工艺所产芝麻饼粕作为烟草有机肥的施用效果,将热榨法、冷榨法、浸出法、水代法4种制油工艺所产的芝麻饼粕发酵成饼肥,采用田间试验,研究不同芝麻饼肥对烟叶产量和质量的影响。结果表明,与对照(不施用芝麻饼肥)相比,施用芝麻饼肥处理均可增加烟叶的农艺性状、品质和产值;其中,施用热榨芝麻饼肥处理效果最好。施用热榨芝麻饼发酵肥处理的烟叶产量较对照增加7.7%,产值提高12.3%;糖碱比为10.52∶1,总氮/烟碱为0.69∶1,钾氯比为3.8,化学成分较协调;香气质较纯净、香气量较足,总体的感官评分最高;烟叶致香物质总量最高。可见,采用热榨法所产芝麻饼粕发酵腐熟后作为烟草有机肥效果较优。%To find the application effect of sesame cake by different process as organic fertilizer on tobac-co,the field experiments were carried out to study the effect of cake fertilizers fermented with sesame cake produced by four different processes( hot pressing method,cold pressing method,leaching method,water substitution method) on tobacco yield and quality. The results showed that application of sesame cake could increase agronomic traits, output value and quality of tobacco when compared with the control ( without application of sesame cake) . The effect of hot pressed sesame cake was the best. In comparison with the control,the yield of tobacco increased by 7. 7%,the output value increased by 12. 3%,sugar to nicotine ratio was 10. 52∶1,total N to nicotine ratio was 0. 69∶1,the K to Cl ratio was 3. 8,and the chemi-cal components were more harmonious. The aroma quality of tobacco leaf was more pure than the control group,the overall sensory score was the highest,and the aroma components content of tobacco was also the highest. Therefore,the hot pressed sesame cake prepared as tobacco organic fertilizer by fermentation is the best.



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