首页> 中文期刊>合肥工业大学学报(自然科学版) >一种基于双因素激励理论的两阶段招生名额分配方法




高校研究生招生计划的科学分配,关系到高校人才培养、学科建设和科研水平的提升.科学地分配研究生招生计划是高校招生部门需要研究的重要课题.文章在两阶段分配法的基础上,采用双因素激励理论,将影响名额分配的评价指标分为基础指标和调节指标两类,在基础指标分配名额的基础上,根据调节指标计算出各招生单位最终获得的分配方案.经过实证分析,在两阶段分配法的基础上采用双因素激励理论,能够确保高校更加科学地分配研究生招生计划,从而促进高校在学科建设、人才培养和科研水平提升等多方面形成良性循环.%T he scientific allocation of the enrollment plan of postgraduates is related to the cultivation of talents and the promotion of the discipline construction and the level of scientific research of the u-niversity .It has become an important research topic for the admission department .Based on two-stage allocation method ,the assessment indicators for enrollment allocation are divided into two types by u-sing double-factor motivating theory ,namely basic indicators and adjustment indicators .On the basis of allocation quota obtained from basic indicators ,the final enrollment arrangement is worked out via the adjustment indicators .Accompanied by two-stage allocation method ,the adoption of double-factor motivating theory is to make the allocation of the enrollment plan more scientific and to promote the virtuous cycle in the discipline construction ,scientific research and talents cultivation on the part of the university .



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