首页> 中文期刊> 《合肥师范学院学报》 >论齐白石花鸟画的“童真”美




童心、童趣是齐白石花鸟画的精神特色之一。齐白石通过拟人化的童真画面忆想童年生活的快乐,运用儿童般的绘画语言抒写思念家乡的真情,创作出了大量的情趣盎然、充满艺术家率真童心的作品。他的艺术,不仅是中华民族的珍贵遗产,而且在东方乃至世界都具有不朽的魅力和意义。%QI Bai-shi is one of the most prestigious,creative and influential painters in China in the twentieth century.He devoted his lifetime of diligence and pursuit to promoting traditional Chinese literati painting to a new height.QI Bai-shi's flower-and-bird paintings play a prominent role in his entire creation,and childish innocence is one of his spiritual characteristics.Generally his works are easy for common people to taste because everyone can appreciate his innocent beauty.In other words,he used the personified childish pictures to recall the happiness of childhood and used the childlike drawing language to convey the feelings of missing his hometown.As his innocent heart accompanied him in his lifetime,QI Bai-shi created a lot of interesting works full of artistic straightforward innocence with unique techniques and extraordinary creativity.So his art is characterized by not only Chinese precious heritage but also immortal charm and new significance in the east and even in the world.



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