


北宋王回兄弟在当时文坛文名盛大且交游广泛。在其交游圈中,苏颂与刘敞、刘攽兄弟等文学名士是其少年时代之同学。欧阳修知颍州时,其座上名士盛多,曾有"聚星"之说,而王氏兄弟即身在此列。仁宗嘉祐间文士鼎盛,王氏兄弟与王安石、曾巩、吕公著、司马光、韩维、刘敞、刘攽、常秩、孙侔、王令等人形成了一个令人瞩目的文学交游团体。王氏兄弟三人均不幸早逝,以至于其文学活动戛然而止。然借助于这些交游者的笔墨,使王氏兄弟的性情特点和文学成就留名于后世。%Wang Hui and his brothers enjoyed great reputation and a large literary company in the Northern Song Dynasty.Such literary figures as Su Song,Liu Chang and Liu Ban were all his classmates in the youth.When Ou Yang-xiu secured an official position in Ying Zhou,Wang Hui and his brothers were among 'the many friends' who accompanied Ou Yang-xiu.By the years of Emperor Jia You of the Northern Song Dynasty,Wang Hui and his brothers had formed a remarkable literary company with Wang An-shi,Zeng Gong,Chang Zhi,Sun Mou and so on.Unfortunately,Wang Hui and his brothers all died at such a young age that their literary activities hastened to a halt.However,we can still highlight Wang Hui and his brothers' characteristics and achievements via referring to his friends' works.



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