首页> 中文期刊> 《河北经贸大学学报》 >对“崩溃边缘论”“大锅饭论”“凭票供应论”的历史与辩证唯物主义再认识--三评“国有企业效率效益必然低下”




“崩溃边缘论”“大锅饭论”和“凭票供应论”是支撑“国有企业效率效益低下论”的“三驾马车”。它们对中国历史和事实进行扭曲性、推断性、延伸性的唯心主义处理,再用封闭主义、双重标准在社会主义公有制、国有企业与效率效益低下之间建立起具有伪经济学性质的因果关系,不仅否定1949-1980年几亿人、几代人、几十年为新中国经济所做的艰苦卓绝的创业性、建设性和积累性发展贡献,而且从根本上否定社会主义公有制、国有企业的制度合理性。唯物主义、整体主义的分析表明,“崩溃边缘”是对事实的扭曲,而“大锅饭”和“凭票供应”则是中国特殊条件、特殊时期产生的特殊经济现象,而非社会主义公有制、国有企业的一般性经济规律(如凭票供应在西方也出现过)。而对这些特殊性的辩证唯物主义和交叉科学分析反过来恰恰证实中国社会主义公有制、国有企业不仅高效率高效益地发展了中国经济,而且成为中国经济改革不可或缺的基础。%"Collapse and Margin Theory", "Food Prepared in a Large Canteen Cauldron" and "Ticket Only Theory" are the troika for the argument that inefficiency is an innate defect in State-owned-enterprises(SOE). Relying on an approach of ide-alism, the troika treats China's historical happenings with inference, speculation and distortion. In a scheme of close-system methodology and double-standard evaluation system, the pseudo-causality is thus established between inefficiency and SOE. It not only negates enterprising achievements made by several generations of hundreds of millions of people under extremely harsh conditions during 1949-1980 periods, but also completely discredits China's socialist experiment and SOE. A materialis-tic and holistic perspective stipulates that, while " Collapse and Margin Theory " is a simply distortion of history, " Food Pre-pared in a Large Canteen Cauldron " and " Ticket Only Theory " are special economic phenomena under special China's conditions in a special development period, rather than a general regularity of socialistic economy and SOE. A dialectic mate-rialistic and interdisciplinary approach toward these China's exclusive conditions validates the high effectiveness/efficiency of its socialistic SOE during the 1949-1980 periods, and that an economy established thereby becomes an indispensable foundation of China's economic reform thereafter.



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