首页> 中文期刊>河北农业科学 >沧州地区撒可富小麦专用肥适宜施肥量研究




In order to determine the appropriate dose of SACF special wheat fertilizer in Cangzhou region , different fertilizer doses (0, 375, 600 and 825 kg/hm2 ) of SACF special wheat fertilizer were once applied as base fertilizer to the field of wheat variety Cangmai 028 before sowing, the effects of different fertilizer doses on the yield of wheat and population structure of wheat field were studied.The results showed that within the scope of the experiment of fertilization, the yield traits were improved and the yield of wheat was increased applied SACF fertilizer.Comprehensive consideration from three aspects of wheat yield , fertilizer efficiency and fertilizer inputs, the appropriate dose of SACF special wheat fertilizer was 600 kg/hm2 in the wheat production of Cangzhou City.%  在沧州地区主推小麦品种沧麦028上,将撒可富小麦专用肥(15-20-10)在小麦播种前作底肥一次性施入,进行了不同施肥量〔0( CK)、375、600和825 kg/hm2〕对小麦产量以及麦田群体结构影响的肥效试验,以明确沧州地区撒可富小麦专用肥的适宜施肥量。结果表明:在试验施肥量范围内,施用撒可富肥能够改善小麦的产量性状,提高产量。从小麦产量、施肥效益和肥料投入3个方面综合考虑,认为在沧州市小麦生产上撒可富小麦专用肥适宜的施用量为600 kg/hm2。



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