首页> 中文期刊>哈尔滨学院学报 >从文学伦理学看《路》中父子关系的构建




科马克·麦卡锡是当代美国文坛最负盛名的小说家之一,中篇小说《路》获得“普利策”奖,这部作品被文学界称作是一部“残酷诗学”。目前,国内对《路》的研究主要集中在存在主义、后现代、创伤、空间、生态批评等视角。对其进行文学伦理学解读的研究还比较少。基于此,文章试图通过文学伦理学中的伦理选择,分析一路上父子两人所做的伦理选择,从而揭示麦卡锡在小说中对父子关系构建的独特方式。%s:Cormac McCarthy, who is regarded as the only successor to Faulkner and Hemingway,is one of the most famous novelists in contemporary American literature. Mc-Carthy published the novella Road in 2007 and the novel has won the“Pulitzer prize”. This work is called“cruel poetics”by the literary world. At present,the research of Road in Chi-na mainly focused on existentialism,post modernism,trauma,space and ecological criticism. The research of Road from the perspective of literature ethics is relatively rare. Based on the above reasons,this paper tries to analyze the ethical choices of the father and son on the road,and reveals McCarthy’ s unique way to construct the relationship between father and son in the novel.



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