首页> 中文期刊> 《哈尔滨工业大学学报》 >干道信号交叉口群协调控制系统中的影响因素




This study provided quantitative analyses from several aspects of signal timing related to bandwidth optimization,including: the influence of signal phasing sequence,the impact of intersection spacing,and the impact of number of signals in a system.A large number of arterial scenarios were randomly generated to simulate 90 000 traffic signal systems that likely exist in the real world.After comparing the effectiveness of four phasing sequences,it was concluded that lead-lag or lag-lead phasing sequence was used 5% more than leading or lagging.The impact of intersection spacing was analyzed by comparing uniformly and randomly spaced signal systems.Uniformly spaced signal systems did not provide better progression bandwidth than non-uniformly spaced systems.The study also found that the number of signals had a significant impact on bandwidth attainability.When the number of intersections exceeded 16,there were practically no two-way bandwidth solutions,suggesting that bandwidth based signal timing approach may not be feasible.%为了改进现有干道协调控制优化算法,给出基于相位相序调整的绿波带宽优化模型,讨论了影响干道系统协调控制优化的3个重要因素,为验证优化模型的效果,设计了干道协调控制优化的计算机仿真程序,并在9种模拟干道系统的等间距交叉口和不等间距交叉口情况下,共生成了90 000组仿真场景进行对比分析.结果表明:"主向左转提前"和"次向左转提前"2种相序在干道系统中的使用比例比"左转提前"和"左转滞后"普遍高5%;另外,通过分析交叉口间距对干道协调控制优化的影响,得出等间距交叉口在干道协调控制优化中并没有明显优势,不等间距交



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