


Contemporary Confucianism seems to engage itself in many undertakings, among which, however, four tasks are the most pressing:collation of Confucian doctrines, moralization of common people, social criticism, and value implementation. Only a systematic collation of Confucian doctrines can define their characteristics and weaknesses to promote the development of Confucianism; only moralization, by encouraging common people to approach and accept Confucianism, can integrate it into their life;only social criticism, by allowing Confucianism to publicize openly and completely its attitude to the society, can re-present its philosophical features;and only value implementation, by putting Confucian significance in force for the change and sublimation of social affairs, can build Confucian ideal.%  当代儒学事业看上去忙忙碌碌,但终归起来,其实这四件事可能是最紧迫的:义理的梳理、百姓的教化、社会的批判、价值的落实。只有将儒学的义理系统、脉络加以梳理,才能找到儒学义理的特点与不足,才能推动儒学的发展;只有展开对百姓的教化,让百姓亲近、接受儒家思想,才能使儒家思想浸入生活;只有对社会的批判,让儒学公开地、彻底地宣扬自己对社会的态度,才能体现儒家思想的哲学特质;只有使儒学的价值得到落实,让儒学意义实现对社会事务的改变与升华,才能构建儒家的理想。



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