首页> 中文期刊>杭州师范大学学报(社会科学版) >艺术审美的神经现象学机制




The unique ontological value of art aesthetic activity lies in the fact that it can change the specific structure and func-tion of the human brain, and thus promotes people's creativity on feeling, understanding and intention, as well as their spiritual personality.The neuromechanism on the art aesthetic activity manifests itself in the following five aspects:1.to promote the ex-citability and positive synergistic efficacy of the inhibitory neuron system through selectively changing the metabolism of neuro-transmitter in prefrontal subregions and transmitting rate, which brings about the enhancement of the metacognitive regulation a-bility;2.to sharpen the aesthetic empathy ability by means of activating the structure and strengthening the function of mirror neuron system;3.to nurture the aesthetic imagination with the expansion of neural network hierarchy and spatial scale of the brain temporo-parietal junction;4.to develop the aesthetic consciousness both physically and mentally by stimulating 40Hz high frequency oscillation wave within the brain, figuring the aesthetic image as a result, and 5.to improve the matching and inter-connection effect of the art symbol system in Broca's area and body symbol system in premotor area, which helps the subject build up his personal aesthetic mental representation, transform the aesthetic image, and achieve his aesthetic goal in internal in-novation and objectification.%艺术审美活动之所以具有独特的本体性价值品格,就在于它能够通过改变人脑的特定结构与功能而提升人的情知意创新能力和人格精神境界。艺术审美活动的神经机制包括下列内容:1.通过选择性改变前额叶特定亚区神经递质的代谢与传导速率而提升兴奋性与抑制性神经元系统的正向协同效能,进而强化人的元认知调控能力;2.通过激活与强化人脑多个脑区的“镜像神经元系统”的结构与功能而锐化人的审美移情能力;3.通过扩展大脑枕颞顶联合区的神经网络层级框架与空间规模而孵化人的审美想象能力;4.通过催化主体的泛脑性40Hz高频同步振荡波而提升人的心身同一的高峰性审美意识体验能力,进而廓出审美意象;5.通过催生身体意象而提升主体对其大脑布洛卡区的艺术符号系统与运动前区的身体符号系统的匹配与耦合水平,进而有助于主体建构个性化的审美心理表征体,借此转化审美意象、实现对自我的内在创新及对象化的审美价值。



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