首页> 中文期刊> 《海南师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 >郭沫若的经济生活与他的文学创作——以早期创作(1918-1926年)为例




During his study abroad at Fukuoka of Japan, Guo Moruo was hard up in supporting his family via an official fee of RMB 48 yuan, which compelled him to take up writing as a source of income and to plunge into the economic market of literary creation. There was a close relationship between Guo Moruo' s early literary creation (1918--1926) and his economic life; for one thing, it was distinctly utilitarian that Guo Morou tried to gain his personal profit through his literary creation; while for another, his embarrassing economic life turned to be the ob- ject and content of his literary writing through its blend with the latter, thus having constituted the unique phenome- non of Guo Moruo' s hterary creation in its early stage.%郭沫若在福冈留学期间,以48元官费养家糊口导致经济拮据。贫困的经济生活促使郭沫若拿起文学之笔赚取稿酬,投入到文学的市场经济大潮中。郭沫若早期文学创作(1918-1926年)与他的经济生活密切相关。一方面,郭沫若靠文学创作谋取个人的经济利益,带有较强的功利主义思想;另一方面,困窘的经济生活又融入到他的文学创作中,成为了表现的对象和内容,两者共同作用,形成了郭沫若早期文学创作的特殊现象。



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