首页> 中文期刊>海南师范大学学报(社会科学版) >海外华文文学研究中的“传媒”问题——以中国内地为考察中心




文章提出海外华文文学研究中的“传媒”问题,通过爬梳以往传媒文本展现了重写文学史的可能性,论文的意义在于以下两方面:一是引发研究范式的反思与重建,使文本研究走向比较文化诗学研究和跨界研究成为必然;二是引发对文学创作的重新定位,作家与传媒的博弈过程与方式将视为海外华文文学产生意义的过程与方式。%In this paper, the issue of "media" in overseas Chinese literature studies is touched upon so as to show the possibility of rewriting the literary history by systematizing previous media texts. Moreover, its important significance can also be highlighted in the following two aspects: for one thing, it would be a chance to reflect on and to reconstruct the study paradigm so as to ensure the inevitable transition to a comparative study of culture and poetics as well as a crossover study in terms of textual study ; for another, it would also be a chance to re - orientate literary creation in which the game - playing process and the manner between writers and media will reveal how and why the significance of overseas Chinese literature overseas is secured.



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