首页> 中文期刊>贵阳学院学报(社会科学版) >朝鲜时期阳明学的发展--以霞谷为中心的考察




The initial development of Yangming School in Joseon Dynasty was not smooth or without a hitch.It was first criticized by Korean Confucian titan --Li Tui-xi,and then was officially denounced as a heresy despite that a frac-tion of scholars having a more open mind toward it.Ha-guk Jedoo Zheng (1649-1736)epitomized the overall thought of Yangming School in Joseon Dynasty,and his thought evolved freshly hinging on Yangming School.The distinguishing features of his thought are reflected on his Gewuzhizhi Theory (格物致知论,to obtain knowledge by observation),Li-angzhitiyong Theory(良知体用论,Conscience is the ultimate source of universe,it determines the nature and function of all),and Shengli theory(生理说).Shengli Theory is the nucleus of Liqi Theory (理气论).“Sheng”felicitously re-flects the theoretical features of Ha-guk’s thought and it also clearly reveals his grave concern for universe.The Kwong Wah School that inherits the thought of Ha-guk exerted a far-reaching influence in the literature and history of late Jo-seon Dynasty.%阳明学在韩国的发展并非一帆风顺,自传入初期就受到以退溪为首的朝鲜大儒的批判。虽然也有学者对此持开放态度,但还是被官方定义为“异端邪说”,这就导致其不能作为正统学说而立足。霞谷郑齐斗(1649~1736年)是朝鲜阳明学的集大成者,他选择阳明学并试图从中找到新的学风。霞谷阳明学的主要特征体现在格物致知论、良知体用论以及生理说中。生理说是其理气论的主要内容,“生”字反映了霞谷学的理论特色,凸显了其对宇宙生命的终极关怀。后来以霞谷为中心形成的江华学派对朝鲜后期文学界、史学界、思想界等都产生了很大程度的影响。



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