首页> 中文期刊>广州大学学报(社会科学版) >心理学人性观的两难困境及其现代性解读--兼论心理学“追求幸福”的人性




Views of human nature of psychology changed repeatedly,human nature being sometimes ignored and sometimes driven up.This is the result of the pursuit of scientification of psychology,and that of desire of psy-chology to reveal human nature.Scientification means to give up the pursuit of human nature,and the pursuit of hu-man nature means to be unscientific.This swing of the human nature made a dilemma of psychology.The article ex-amines human nature in eastern and western philosophy,analyzing the hypothesis and research positions of scientific psychology and humanistic psychology,and argues that the humanity hypothesis of psychology should jump out of the dualism,reductionism and mechanical determinism,and also should jump out of the relativism and nihilism of postmodern philosophy.This article put forward that human nature is logical starting point and logical end point of psychology.Only understanding of human nature in the framework of"the pursuit of happiness"can transcend the differences of psychology,and promote understanding of human nature of psychology.%心理学人性观反复变化,忽而忽略人性,忽而抬高人性,这既是心理学科学化追求的结果,也是心理学渴望揭示人类心理本真使然。选择科学化就意味着放弃对心理本真的追求,选择对心理本真的追求就意味着非科学,人性观的摇摆使心理学陷入了两难抉择的境地。文章考证了东西方哲学人性观,分析了科学主义心理学与人文主义心理学各自的人性假设及研究立场,主张心理学既要跳出自然科学二元论、还原论和机械决定论的人性假设,也要跳出人文主义及后现代哲学相对主义、虚无主义人性假设。人性是心理学研究的逻辑起点和逻辑终点,只有将人性在“追求幸福”的框架下予以理解,才能超越心理学的分歧,促进心理学对人性本真的理解并造福大众。



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