首页> 中文期刊>广东财经职业学院学报 >全球化时代的国际生态文明:儒家的易学视角




儒家思想多崇尚“仁义、博爱、和谐”等颇具普世主义色彩的道德法则;《易经》倡导的“刚柔并济,阴阳调和”,“生生之谓易”,“天地之大德日生”,以及“各正性命,保合太和”等理念,不仅体现了追求和谐,尊重生命的道德原则,同时也指明了社会各阶层只有和谐共处,才能使生命(以及人类社会)延续不辍。本文从儒家易理出发,从本体层面对当今全球化时代错综复杂的国际矛盾进行认知与解构,进而提出TCP原则(三元关联原则),对国际关系的现状以及未来的发展趋势进行分析,这不仅有助于儒家文化在国际间的推广与传播,提升中国的文化软实力,并可尝试在儒学易理的视域上建构起具有中国文化特色的国际关系话语权。%Based on a study of/Ching or Book of Changes, and some related ideas of Chinese geomancy, Fengshui, the paper tries to develop a new interdisciplinary analytical method on the theoretical base, i.e., the Trigrams' Combination and Permutation (TCP) . This analytical method could be applied to constitute the following codes for reference in the analysis of international relations: (1) as an analytical model to deconstruct the diverse international phenomena via the traditional oriental philosophy, (2) as a mirror or medium to observe international conflicts, aiding communications and achievement of moral or ethical consensus through soft power, and (3) as a theoretical tool to constitute a new discourse in Chinese IR studies.



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