


The basis of illegality has been debated endlessly among jurists.In the criminal science,there are two answers about the basis of illegality,one is violating legal interests,and the other is violating norms.But neither the theory of violating legal interests nor theory of violating norms can give a persuasive answer about the basis of illegality.Comparing to theory of violating norms,theory of violating legal interests sees things in the perspective of objective illegality,so it can better interpret the essence of general illegality;however,theory of violating norms can better interpret criminal illegality,because it sees things in the perspective of subjective illegality.Therefore referring to criminal illegality,the best choice is to identify the criminal illegality of behaviors on the basis of indenting the general illegality,with the help of the attitude of actors about criminal laws of theory of violating norms.%违法的根据是什么,这是一个为法学家们所争论不休的问题。在刑事法学领域,无论是法益侵害说,还是规范违反说,若是论及违法的根据,似乎都不能给出令人信服的解答。相比较之下,法益侵害说由于采客观违法论为其视角,更适合诠释一般违法性之本质;而规范违反说由于采主观违法论为其视角,更易于对刑事违法性进行解读。因此,就刑事违法性来说,在首先认定行为构成一般违法的基础上,借助规范违反说考察行为人对于刑法规范之态度,进而对行为之刑事违法性做出判断,无疑是一个最佳的选择。



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