首页> 中文期刊>福建教育学院学报 >死亡与叙事的可能——日剧中的死亡叙事与主题意蕴




The vigorous aesthetic color of death makes the Japanese films unique in the field of film in Asia or even in the world. Reflection and narration of death are not only the choice of traditional thinking and aesthetic ten- dencies, but also highlights the Japanese rational reflection and philosophical speculation. As cultural products based on audio-visual arts, TV series are greatly influenced by films in the selection of content or in narration. After sort- ing out the death themes in the Japanese TV dramas, we found how death came into the narrative space of life, how it became the narrating means of expressing the contemporary's survival status and their emotion world, showing the unique narrative approach and aesthetic style.%日本电影中强烈的死亡美学色彩使其在亚洲乃至世界电影界别具一格,对死亡的思考与书写不仅是传统思维与审美倾向的选择,更凸显了日本人理性反思与哲学思辨。电视剧作为同以视听艺术为基础的文化产品,无论在取材上还是叙事上都深受电影的影响。我们将日剧中涉及死亡的题材进行一个梳理分析,便可清晰地看出死亡是如何进入生活化的叙事表意空间,如何成为表现当代人生存现状与情感世界的叙事手段,展现出特有的叙事方式和审美风貌。



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