首页> 中文期刊> 《福建教育学院学报》 >基于控制变量的化学实验教学再思考




教材中设置的教师演示实验项目,往往是教材的精髓,一个演示实验要得出或形成结论,一般要通过创设适当的控制变量来实现,化学实验中的控制变量,最常见的是控制单一变量。化学实验中的常见变量有:物质的量、组成与结构、物料顺序、溶解度、温度、浓度、压强、催化剂等。以苏教版高中化学教材为例,结合自己的教学实践,探讨控制变量尤其是控制单一变量在实验教学中的地位与应用。%The experiments set in the textbook for teacher demonstration are often the essence of the textbook. If a conclusion is to be drawn from a demonstration experiment, it is often realized by creating appropriate control variables. The most common control variables in chemistry experiments are to control single variable. The most common control var-iables include amount of substance, composition and structure, the material order, solubility, temperature, concentra-tion, pressure and catalyst. Taking the high school textbook published by Jiangsu Education Press for example and com-bining the author’s teaching experiment, this paper discusses the status and application of control variables in the teach-ing of experiment, especially control the single variable.



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