首页> 中文期刊>福建行政学院学报 >从土地整理转型到社会转型--农村土地整理转型的政治经济学分析




Land issue is the core of China .T ransformation of land consolidation is the epitome of the transformation of China’ s social governance mechanism . During 1949‐1966 , in high administrative centralization ,the local government is the central government’s agent .During 1978‐1998 on the basis of administrative decentralization , the central government , local government and farmers have their own independent economic goals in land consolidation .Since 1999 ,with the constraints of the new Land Management Law and also dominated by the central government , these three parties have interacted increasingly . Transformation of the central government , local government and farmers’ relationship in the land consolidation reflects the Chinese governance mechanism transformation . Transformation in China ’ s governance mechanism accompanies with the economic structure transformation ,economic mechanism transformation ,interest adjustment and idea change ,w hich are just the key factors of social transformation .Therefore ,land consolidation has become the bellwether of social transformation . But the relationship among the central government , local government , farmers should be further smoothed .%土地问题是中国的核心问题。土地整理转型是中国社会治理机制转型的缩影。1949~1966年,高度行政集权下,地方政府是中央政府权力的延伸。1978~1998年在行政放权的基础上,地方政府和农民成为有独立经济目标的个体。1999至今,在新《土地管理法》约束和中央政府主导下,中央政府、地方政府、农民三方的互动增多。土地整理中,中央政府、地方政府和农民关系的转型基本反映了中国治理机制的转型过程,而中国治理机制转型必然伴随着经济结构转换、经济机制转轨、利益调整和观念转变,这恰恰是社会转型的关键因子。因此,土地整理成为社会转型的风向标。但目前中央政府、地方政府、农民之间的关系有待于进一步顺畅化。



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