首页> 中文期刊>医药前沿 >改进后的一次性输血器在腔镜手术冲洗中的应用




腹腔镜手术中为了清除术中的积血、渗液、脓性分泌物等,常选择用生理盐水进行冲洗,以保持术野的清晰,并有利于减少腹腔内细菌数量,去除有毒物质,以减少肠粘连和脓肿的形成因素。在腹腔镜下行卵巢囊肿剥除术的患者,有的囊液较为粘稠,在剥除过程中可能会破溃,致使囊液粘附在肠壁、腹腔内,为了有效的清除囊液,常采用生理盐水对其大量冲洗,以减轻炎性反应。腹腔镜下的吸引器头冲洗连接部位需要连接输血器,输血器的穿刺端插入无菌盐水袋内进行冲洗。但由于输血器的管腔较细,塞入吸引器头冲洗端后,冲洗时连接处容易松动,导致盐水流至手术台上,将敷料等渗湿,我科经过反复的实践和改善,最终将吸引器皮管接头处剪下连接一次性输血器插入吸引器头,再连接吸引器,又紧又方便,介绍如下;%Laparoscopic surgery to remove blood clots in surgery, exudate, purulent secretions, often choose to wash with saline in order to maintain a clear surgical field, and helps to reduce the number of bacteria in the abdominal cavity, the removal of toxic substances to reduce adhesion and abscess formation factors. In patients with laparoscopic ovarian cystectomy, some of the more viscous fluid sac in the stripping process may rupture, resulting in cyst fluid is stuck in the intestinal wal, abdomen, in order to effectively remove the cyst fluid, often its large number of normal saline flush, to reduce the inflammatory reaction. Suction head flush joints need to connect the blood transfusion, blood transfusion needle insertion end sterile saline bag to wash laparoscopic. However, due to blood transfusion lumen smaler, stuffed suction head end after flushing, flushing connection is easy to loose, causing the brine flow to the operating table, the dressing dampness.



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