首页> 中文期刊>佛山科学技术学院学报(社会科学版) >从制度规训到组织参与:农民工法律认知与国家法制宣传教育的关系探析




基于珠三角地区问卷调查结果表明:性别、有无专业证书、教育程度和收入水平对农民工的法律认知水平有显著正向促进作用。企业规模对农民工法律认知水平有显著影响,企业性质和工种类型对农民工的法律认知有部分影响,是否参加工会和同乡会都对农民工法律认知水平有显著正向影响。提升农民工的法制意识,需要改革当前国家法制宣传教育“单向灌输”模式,实现规训认知和参与认知的双重主导,实现法律的规训认知向参与认知转交,促进对话空间的形成;同时要推动农民工的实践习得,坚持国家主导和市场培育相结合。%Gender, qualification, level of education, and income levels, based on the survey results of the Pearl River Delta region, have a significant positive role in promoting migrant workers legal recogni- tion. For migrant workers~ legal recognition, enterprise scale has significant impact, enterprise nature and the type of jobs have partly impact and labor union or regional association participation have remark- ably positive impact. To enhance the legal awareness of migrant workers, the pattern of one-way nation- al legal propaganda education should be reformed to realize dual dominant and transformation from discipline awareness to participation with aims to facilitate the formation of dialogues. Meanwhile, push- ing forward migrant workers' practice acquisition, and encouraging combination of state-led and market cultivation should also be considered.



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