首页> 中文期刊> 《中国中医急症》 >烧伤方对实验性烫伤大鼠的实验研究




Objective: To investigate the mechanism of Shaoshang Decoction on experimental scalded rats. Methods: 60 rats were randomly divided into the model group, the Shaoshang Decoction group and the Jingwan-hong Cream group with 20 rats in each group. After II degree scalded model being established in each group, rats in the Shaoshang Decoction group and the Jingwanhong Cream group were respectively used corresponding drugs. After 7 days, some indices were observed in these groups including the scald wound healing, the edema inhibition, the ENK level and the SOD content. Results: Compared with the model group, these indicators were improved significantly in the Shaoshang Decoction group and the Jingwanhong Cream group such as the scalded wound healing, the edema inhibition, the ENK level and the SOD content. Moreover, these indices in the Shaoshang Decoction group were superior to those in the Jingwanhong Cream group. Conclusion: Shaoshang Decoction can promote the scalded wound healing, the inhibition of edema and the analgesic effect on central control. Abo, it can increase the body antioxidant defense system capabilities.%目的 探讨烧伤方外敷治疗实验性烫伤大鼠的作用机理.方法 选择60只大鼠随机分为模型组、烧伤方组、京万红组,每组20只.各组用80℃恒温热水对大鼠造成Ⅱ度烫伤模型,烧伤方组和京万红组大鼠分别采用烧伤方和京万红软膏外敷烫伤皮肤,每日4次,每次约2 m L,连续7d;观察其对烫伤创面愈合、水肿抑制、中枢调控镇痛(脑啡肽)以及机体抗氧化防卫系统超氧化物歧化酶的变化.结果 与模型组比较,烧伤方组和京万红组在烫伤创面愈合、水肿抑制、中枢调控镇痛以及机体抗氧化方面均有显著疗效;并且烧伤方组疗效优于京万红组.结论 烧伤方能促进烫伤创面愈合、抑制水肿、对中枢调控发挥镇痛作用,能提高机体抗氧化防卫系统能力.



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