首页> 中文期刊>湖南师范大学教育科学学报 >英国学校改革:面向21世纪的教育重建




School reform has become very familiar in the United Kingdom over the past thirty years,and continues to be high in the agenda and a matter of political dispute in the current general election campaign. In this paper the author will outline the key areas of school reform promoted under the Coalition government of David Cameron between 2010 and 2015 and compare these with the school reforms of‘New Labour’ under Tony Blair and Gordon Brown (1997~2010), and with the Conservative reforms of Margaret Thatcher and John Major (1979~1997). The author will also seek to assess how far these school reforms together provide a coherent approach to educational reconstruction for the 21st century,setting them in their historical context and in an international and comparative perspective. They all presented images of education for the 21st century but it is questionable how far these images have been consistent or cohe;ent.%在过去的30年,学校改革议题已成为英国的热点,它经常被人们反复讨论,在当前英国大选中也是政治争论的重要议题。文章勾勒了2010~2015年间卡梅伦领导下的联合政府在一些关键领域所推行的学校改革,并将之与1997~2010年间布莱尔和布朗领导下的“新工党”,以及1979~1997年间撒切尔夫人和约翰·梅杰领导下的保守党学校改革进行比较。此研究将尝试从历史背景和国际比较视角,考察这些学校改革在多大程度上共同为21世纪英国教育重建,提供一条具有内在连贯性的路径。



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