首页> 中文期刊>生态与农村环境学报 >基于种子库激活的沙化草地生态修复技术应用




种子库在草原退化植被恢复重建中发挥着重要作用,针对科尔沁草原生态功能区草地沙化问题,研发出沙化草地种子库激活技术.该技术通过围封样地,在样地上施加由有机肥与保水剂混合配制的锁水保肥剂,实现沙化草地的快速锁水保肥.结果表明,通过激活沙化草地种子库,修复样地植被盖度较对照样地提高66.43%,Shannon-Wiener多样性指数提高8.90%,0~ 30 cm沙地土壤有机质、全氮、全钾和全磷总量分别增加23.47%、14.82%、2.90%和403.56%.因此,该技术有利于土壤肥力增强,短期内有助于提高群落的物种多样性,促进沙地植被的修复,起到防沙和固沙作用.%Seed bank plays an important role in remedying degraded grasslands and restoring vegetation therein.A seed bank reactivation technology was developed for sandy grasslands to address the problem of desertification of the grassland ecological function zone of the well-known Horqin Steppe.The technology begins with enclosing a tract of grassland as seed bank and then applies a kind of water-retaining fertilizer,a mixture of organic manure and water retention agent,into the tract of grassland,rapidly making the soil moist and fertile.Results show that application of the technology to the degraded grassland,increased its vegetation coverage by 66.43%,Shannon-Wiener diversity index by 8.90%;soil organic matter,total nitrogen,total potassium and total phosphorus in the 0-30 cm soil layer by 23.47%,14.82%,2.90% and 403.56%,respectively.Therefore,it can be concluded that the technology is conducive to improvement of soil fertility and species diversity of the plant community in a short period of time,restoration of the vegetation and control and fixation of mobile sand.



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