


宋元以来文章批评理论在不断发展和完善,南宋的文章批评多是零散的、语录式的,绝大多数保存在散文的选本、诗话或个人的文章以及序跋当中,大多采用选文加评选的方式,尚未形成系统的理论。元代批评家则在南宋文章评选的基础上,逐步开始重视文章批评系统的建设,虽然还延续了南宋以来选文加评选等模式,但形成了较为完整的文章学体系,直接影响到了明、清两朝文章学的发展。%The ancient article science of China made a progress during the Song and Yuan dynasties .In the Song dynasty, most of the article criticisms were scattered in the prose anthology , poetry talks, personal articles, preface and postscript in the type of quotation .Usually displayed in a way of criticism attached with the selected ar-ticle, the article criticism system had not been built at that time .The critics in the Yuan dynasty started to create a system of article science on the basis of the Song dynasty .Though it inherited the model of the criticism of the Song dynasty , the relatively intact system directly influenced the article science of the Ming and Qing dynasties .



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