首页> 中文期刊>德州学院学报 >后现代主义范式下的批判性语篇阅读




后现代主义范式不仅对全球化研究有着独到的视角和方法,对于二语或外语语境下的英语语篇解读更具独特意义。从后现代主义的多元性、异质性、差异性出发,对“批判性”、“批判性思维”、“批判性阅读”在后现代语境中的地位进行合理界定,试图找到批判性阅读的哲学根源与基础;同时为从语篇角度剖析西方文明的思想传统———普遍主义提供具体研究视角,并通过后现代主义范式中解构性和建设性同时并存的双重阅读既可以揭示语篇中潜在的权力冲突,也可以部分消解西方中心论思维,从而进一步证明后现代主义的解构性与后现代主义的建设性是交相辉映,缺一不可。这样才可以对语篇中隐藏的普遍主义进行批判性接受。同时期望对今后在二语或外语语境下研究批判性阅读及英语语言教育有所启示和帮助。%Post-modernist paradigm not only has a unique perspective and method in the study of global-ization,but also in the study of critical reading in second or foreign language context.The author begins with versatility,heterogeneity and difference in post-modernism,defines “criticality”,“critical thinking”and “critical reading”properly and their position in post-modern context.The philosophical base of criti-cal reading is made clearer,at the same time,the thinking tradition of western civilization———universalism is analyzed through the study of discourse.In order to critically examine the implicit exercise of power hid-den in the discourses and texts which can mostly come through written texts and literacy education.The spread of Western can be cleared up through “double reading”and universalism can be criticized through the deconstruction of post- modernism.All these can give some enlightenment to the study of English teaching in second or foreign language context.



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