首页> 中文期刊>大连理工大学学报(社会科学版) >利用智能主体分析'时尚'的涌现




In this paper, how fashion emerges is studied. Fashion is a process of social diffusion by which a new style is adopted by consumers interacting with each other. The basic process of fashion emergences is as follows: At first, a new phenomenon is adopted by a few people. When it comes to majority through the interaction among individuals, it becomes a fashion.This paper proposes two models. Both models are based on the threshold to determine whether agents adopt fashion or not. The first model is an "everyone knows everything" model, which analyzes global information. The other is "each one knows only his own neighbors" which can explain the individuals' interaction causing fashion (local information). Last, to understand how fashion emerges, two models are integrated.%时尚作为一种社会现象,是由个别人物的倡导和示范,先在少数人中流行,然后迅速蔓延到社会.多数人出于新奇与从众心理而仿效.对于它的研究有助于人们把握这种社会现象的产生与蔓延过程,深入认识和控制它的发展.由于它的复杂多样性,当前还缺乏对它的定量分析与研究.论文利用基于智能主体的仿真方法,分析了时尚的涌现过程.文中建立了两种模型,用于确定公众能否接受某种时尚的临界值.一种模型基于公众能获取全部信息,另一种则基于个人只能获取邻近信息.



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