首页> 中文期刊>计算机研究与发展 >数字游戏中的协同——描述任务逻辑方法




Most traditional digital games are little concerned about the description of high-level dynamic interactions) and do not support describing collaboration relations and planning of multi-level of groups. Furthermore, few of them are based on a complete formal theory. The description logic of tasks combines the knownlege representation structure of the description logic and the task semantics of the logic of tasks. A formal definition of the collaboration and collaborative planning in digital games is provided, which defines the completeness of the task. Meanwhile, a decision theorem of the completeness of the planning under joint strategies is also given by the method. Experimental results demonstrate that task interaction semantics in high-level relationship of the virtual group is described accurately, and decidable deduction service for the completeness of the collaborative planning is provided as well.%传统的数字游戏只注重底层实体级别的交互协同,不支持多层次群体协同关系描述和协同规划描述,且很少有形式化理论支持.描述任务逻辑结合了描述逻辑的知识表示结构和任务逻辑的任务语义.描述任务逻辑方法对数字游戏中的协同关系和协同规划进行了形式化描述,给出了任务和规划可完成性的定义,以及联合策略下的规划可完成性的判定理论.通过示例说明,描述任务逻辑方法能够准确地描述虚拟群体高层指挥关系的任务交互语义,同时又能提供协同规划可完成性的可判定的推理验证服务.



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