首页> 中文期刊> 《计算机辅助设计与图形学学报》 >基于眼动追踪的数控界面布局认知特性评价




In the multi-function computerized numerical control (CNC) processing of furniture,in order to improve operators' work efficiency,cognitive characteristics and evaluation indices of CNC interface layout design are analyzed.First,based on the process of brain information processing and the principle of space-time proximity,the mapping relationship of layout and cognition in the human-computer interface is built.Then through the user's perception of information intensity,complexity,guidance,and logicality,cognitive evaluate dimensions and indices of layouts are analyzed.Following this,the visual cognitive experiment of 15 CNC interface layout design are tested by using the eye-tracking technology.According to the eye movement data and accessibility model of the transportation network,the calculation equations of go-back time rate,refixation rate,saccadic duration rate,and accessibility are deduced.Finally,the layout evaluating indices those the paper suggests are tested with the correlation analysis method,and the cognitive efficiency of layout design are analyzed with the ANOVA and least-significant difference methods.Experimental results show that,the search time,fixation count,refixation rate,accessibility,and arrangement of fixation points can be used to evaluate the layout cognitive efficiency.In order to reduce the information intensity and to increase the information guidance and logicality of the CNC interface,the"return" and "T" layouts are the best to choose,followed by the multiple column and matrix layouts.The up and down layout is the worst,as well as the no column layout.%为提高家具多功能数控加工中心作业过程中操作人员的工作效率,从提高人的认知效率出发进行数控界面布局设计的认知特性和评价指标分析.首先基于大脑信息加工过程和时空接近性原理进行人机界面“布局-认知”映射关系构建;然后从用户对信息密集度、复杂度、指导性和逻辑性感知出发,分析布局的认知评价维度及指标;再利用眼动追踪技术,对15种常用家具多功能数控加工界面布局设计方案进行视觉认知实验;并依据眼动数据和交通网络领域可达性模型,推导回看时间比率、再注视比率、眼跳时间比率和可达性计算公式;最后通过相关性分析对文中提出的布局评价指标进行验证,根据方差分析和最小显著性差异法分析各布局设计方案的认知效率.实验结果表明,搜索时间、注视次数、再注视比率、可达性和注视点排布方式可以作为评价布局认知效率的有效指标;对于需要降低信息密集度、提供高指导性和逻辑性的数控界面,宜采用“回”型和“T”型布局,其次为多栏和矩阵布局,不宜采用上下型和无分栏布局.



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