首页> 中文期刊> 《重庆工商大学学报(社会科学版)》 >近十余年来汉语网络新词语研究述略




New net vocabulary contain net words and new net phrases. The researches on new net words are already mature gradually in the last more than 10 years, covering 16 aspects of researches, ontology research and multidimensional study have been developed o⁃verall, which present characteristics and tendencies of conformability, detailing and westernization, localization exploration, compara⁃tive study,information⁃based especially new words automatic identification and improved algorithm, closer relationship between new net words and TCSL. The study on new net phrases especially net idioms, new network idioms or postmodern idioms are relatively weak. The ways for studying new net words can be borrowed to research new net phrases, carrying on multidimensional observation, descrip⁃tion and explanation step by step.%网络新词语包括网络新词和网络新语。其十余年来的研究已渐趋成熟,涉及16个角度的探讨,本体研究、多视角研究全面开展,呈现出整合性特点、细化和西化倾向明显、重视本土化探索、强调对比研究、信息化趋势特别是汉语新词自动识别和算法的改进加快、网络新词语与对外汉语教学的联系更紧密等新进展。网络新语特别是近年来刮起一阵热风的“网络成语”“网络新成语”或“后现代成语”的研究相对薄弱,可以借鉴网络新词的研究路径,逐步进行多维的观察、描写和解释。



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