首页> 中文期刊>重庆师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版) >政府购买社会工作服务合同的法律属性及法律适用探究




The administrative behavior of the government,as the buyer,to purchase social work and serv-ice from the seller with fiscal funds by the means of marketization and contracting is a form of administrative contracting.Such administrative contracts are characterized in desirability,mutual responsibility and non -au-thority,rendering the execution,performance,change,suspension or termination thereof to be pursuant to the Government Procurement Law (GPL),or to the Contract Law if no provision in the former is available.The execution of an administrative contract shall respect the party autonomy in civil law,while any party shall per-form the contract in person and waive the defense right of simultaneous performance.Besides,the buyer is em-powered to guide,supervise and control the performance.An administrative contract shall not be changed, suspended or terminated unless the continuing performance results in changes harmful to national or social pub-lic benefits,provided however that the affected party of force majeure terminates the contract for the contract purpose is achieved by no means.After all,whether the principle of changes applies shall be approved by the buyer in advance.%政府作为购买主体利用财政资金,采取市场化、契约化方式向购买对象购买社会工作服务,该行政行为属于行政合同。这种行政合同具有合意性、双务性和非权力性特征,由此决定了政府购买社会工作服务合同的缔结、履行、变更、中止或终止应适用《政府采购法》,在《政府采购法》没有相应规定时应适用《合同法》的有关规定。当事人缔结合同,民法中的意思自治原则应受限制;当事人履行合同,须本人履行,并不得行使同时履行抗辩权,同时购买主体享有指导、监督管理权;当事人变更、中止或终止合同,必须是出现继续履行将损害国家利益和社会公共利益的情形,但遭遇不可抗力的当事人在不能实现合同目的时可以终止合同的履行,情势变更原则的适用须购买主体的认可。



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