首页> 中文期刊>中文信息学报 >现代汉语隐喻式双音节名名复合词研究——基于生成词库理论




Based on the qualia structure and semantic type proposed in the Generative Lexicon Theory (GLT),we annotated the disyllabic metaphorical noun-noun compounds in Mandarin Chinese to explore the qualia roles involved in the process of metaphor and the correlation between the semantic type of the wnstituent morphemes and that of the compounds.We found that:the formal role is the most frequently involved in the process of metaphor,which is motivated by the nature of human cognition.On the other hand,natural types tend to involve the constitutive role and the artifactual types are likely to involve the telic role.Moreover,the semantic type of morphemes can predicate the semantic type of compounds.%该文基于生成词库理论中的物性结构和语义类框架,对现代汉语双音节隐喻式名名复合词进了语义信息标注.在此基础上,我们对这些复合词进行了定量与定性分析,即考察了复合词在隐喻过程中涉及的物性角色、探索语义类对隐喻涉及物性角色的影响、以及语素语义类与复合词整体语义类之间的相关性.研究结果显示:形式角色是隐喻式名名复合词中最常涉及的物性角色;自然类在发生隐喻时较多涉及构成角色,而人造类则较多涉及功用角色.并且,构词语素的语义类对复合词整体的语义类具有一定的预测性.



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