首页> 中文期刊>小型微型计算机系统 >一种支持SOA系统开发的服务注册库




The management of different types of services is a key problem in service oriented application system development. This paper proposes a semantic enhanced service repository, which provides the functions such as service registration, ontology based service discovery and service composition. The architecture as well as the basic functions are introduced. One of the main parts, service registry, is discussed in details. The service description specification used in the service registry is analyzed, which can support not only web services but also the EJBs even Java Gasses. The functions of the service registry are illustrated with an example which shows how to register, publish and search a service. The SOA based system development will benefit from this repository with more accurate service discovery and service composition.%为了支持SOA系统开发,需要对各种形式的服务进行有效地管理.在前期工作的基础上,提出了一个语义增强服务库,用于基于语义的服务注册、搜索和组装.重点介绍其中的服务注册库部分,包括服务注册库的功能、所用的服务描述规范,并用一个实例说明了服务注册、发布的整个过程.该服务库通过支持多种形式的服务,可以有效地管理企业现有的各种软件资源.并为基于SOA的系统开发提供支持.



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