首页> 中文期刊>中华女子学院学报 >有扶养关系的继父母关系的认定及其继承权问题




Stepparents and their children foster a fictional blood relationship in terms of law, which will not end naturally owing to divorce. Both parties retain the right of inheritance, though this right remains an accessory obligation to be re-considered. In consideration of the complicated and varied relationship between stepparents and their children, the compilation of a national Civil Code should be taken as a historical chance to define from a legislative angle the types and subject scope of the relationship referred to above. This can be used to clarify the standard of defining foster relationships,the conditions of inheritance, as well as associated legal effects caused by divorce, and so protect the rights and interests of especially underage stepchildren and elderly stepparents, who might have no source of income.%“有扶养关系”的继父母子女关系在法律上为拟制血亲,双方关系不能因继父母离婚而自然解除,相互间仍享有继承遗产的权利,但这种继承权属于附义务之继承权,需要重新审视与明确。鉴于继父母子女关系的复杂多变特点,我们应当以我国民法典的编纂为历史契机,尽快从立法层面上界定继父母子女关系的类型与主体范围,明确继父母子女“扶养关系”的认定标准、继父母子女间继承权的性质、行使条件,以及解除继父母子女关系对继承权所产生的法律后果,以全面平衡各方当事人的利益,贯彻权利义务相一致原则,并突出保护未成年继子女和丧失劳动能力又无生活来源老年继父母的继承权益。



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