首页> 中文期刊>中华女子学院学报 >性别视角下北京民办学校外来女教师的生活状况研究




改革开放后,民办教育的兴起与发展,为教师的流动提供了一个空间和平台,民办学校教师逐渐形成为一个新的社会群体。由于性别的差异和社会角色的不同,民办学校女教师成为这个新的社会群体中的一个特殊群体。基于性别的视角,对北京民办学校30名外来女教师生活状况的研究显示:民办学校外来女教师普遍的自我身份认同是外来打工者,她们的压力感、挫折感、“家”的缺失感比男教师更为强烈,她们的性别利益没有得到很好的保护。国家应该担当起保护民办学校外来女教师性别利益的责任,妇联组织应该把她们纳入自己的组织视野中。%After the reform and opening up, the rise and development of private education provided a flow of teachers with spaces and platforms, and private school teachers gradually formed a new social group. Because of differences in gender and social roles, woman teachers in private schools have become a special group among the new social group. Based on a gender perspective, the living conditions of 30 migrant women teaching at private schools in Beijing were studied. There are certain differences between the women and men teachers in private schools in family relations, interpersonal relationships, work motivation, living pressures, and flow paths. Women teachers’living and working pressures are greater, their legitimate rights and interests are more susceptible to exploitation and being damaged. Administrators of the Education Department and women’s organizations should focus on women teachers in private schools.



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