首页> 中文期刊>中华女子学院学报 >《爱丽丝漫游奇境》的生态蕴涵




From an ecological perspective, two processes are involved in Alice’s adventurous journey through the rabbit hole in Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. Initially, she evaluates and assesses the values of animals from her self-centered viewpoint, ignoring their emotions and rights, and thus fails to live in harmony with them. Later, the absurdity of the human world and the harmony in the animal kingdom provoke her into reflection. She recognizes the necessity of equality, reverence and understanding in her communication with animals, and eventually gets acceptance from them. Her wonders imply the matrix of ecology: only by discarding the anthropocentric ideology can human beings construct a harmonious and organic bi-community between humans and non-human beings.%从生态批评的视域来看,《爱丽丝漫游奇境》中的爱丽丝在兔子洞中的奇幻之旅可以分成两个阶段。第一个阶段,爱丽丝代表的是传统人类中心主义者的立场,在与动物们的交往中处处以自我为中心,未能顾及动物们的感受,因而无法与它们和谐相处。第二个阶段,在见证了人类世界的荒诞不经和动物王国的公正有序之后,爱丽丝拉近了和动物们的心理距离,更加尊重和理解它们,把它们当作平等的伙伴,她也最终被动物们所接纳。爱丽丝的神奇经历佐证了生态主义理论的核心观点:人类只有自觉摒弃以人为中心的思想意识,以更加谦逊和平等的姿态对待自然万物,才能最终摆脱生态危机,构建人类和非人类和谐共生的绿色家园。



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