


Deduced consent as a cause of justification in criminal law,has been widely accepted by criminal law theory and practice in various countries. But because it is similar to victim's consent and the act of rescue,scholars have different opinions on the character, the legitimate ground,and the establishment condition of it. Deduced consent is an independent cause of justification which extends from victim's consent. The legitimate ground of deduced consent is the protection of victim's legal interests,and it should meet the strict conditions,including the same conditions with victim's consent and some special conditions. Victim entitled to consent,able to consent,objective impossible but subjective possible to consent. Actor convinces the consent and acts out of proper purpose.%推定承诺作为刑法中的正当化事由,已为各国刑法理论和实践所普遍接受。但因其与被害人承诺、紧急避险的相似性,使得学者们对其性质、正当化依据、成立条件的理解存在较大分歧。推定承诺是基于被害人承诺延伸的独立正当化事由。推定承诺的正当化依据是对被害人的法益保护,其成立需满足严格的条件,包括与被害人承诺相同的成立条件和特殊的成立条件:被害人对法益有权承诺、被害人具有承诺能力、被害人承诺的客观不能、被害人承诺的当然可能性,行为人具有推定承诺的认识、行为人出于正当目的。



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