首页> 外文会议>International Association of Penal Law., Congresses >The imprescriptibility of some crimes according to the criminal code in force, to the new criminal code and to law no. 27/2012

The imprescriptibility of some crimes according to the criminal code in force, to the new criminal code and to law no. 27/2012

机译:根据“刑法”的刑法,向新的刑法和法律编制的一些罪行的不论。 27/2012



Law no. 27/2012 for the alteration and supplementation of the Penal Code and of the new Penal Code stipulates elimination of the criminal liability and punishment execution prescription in cases of homicides and intended infractions which led to the victim's death. The mentioned Law aimed at correlating the Romanian criminal law with the norms and solutions from other European states (Germany, Great Britain, Austria, Denmark, Holland, Finland, Italy, Czech Republic, Ireland, Estonia, Malta and Cyprus). Acts of homicide are not prescribed either in the USA, Canada or Japan.Moreover, the normative act is compliance with the decision of the European Court on Human Rights, with the European Convention on Human Rights, with the European Convention on imprescriptibility of war crimes and crimes against humanity, as well as with the UNO Convention on the imprescriptibility of war crimes and crimes against humanity, we referred to in this paper.
机译:法律没有。 27/2012为改变和补充刑法委员会和新刑法典规定消除凶杀案和预期违规行为的刑事责任和处罚执行处方,导致受害者死亡。提到的法律旨在将罗马尼亚刑法与其他欧洲国家的规范和解决方案相关联(德国,大不列颠,奥地利,丹麦,荷兰,芬兰,意大利,捷克共和国,爱尔兰,爱沙尼亚,马耳他和塞浦路斯)。凶杀案的行为在美国,加拿大或日本方面没有处方。罗伊沃特,规范法符合欧洲人权法院关于欧洲人权公约的决定,欧洲人权公约有欧洲战争犯罪的不刻要公约和人类的罪行,以及关于战争犯罪和危害人类罪行的义务公约,我们在本文中提到。



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