首页> 中文期刊> 《中国石油大学学报(社会科学版)》 >一生态视阈下的黄河三角洲未利用地开发与保护




始于2011年的黄河三角洲未利用地开发试点,主要定位于增加耕地,保障全省耕地占补平衡。但由于受区位、土地性质等的制约,单一性的开发未能充分发挥未利用地的功能价值。基于建设高效生态经济区的要求,在生态环境持续恶化的情况下,黄河三角洲未利用地开发应充分考量经济、社会、文化、生态等各因素,把实现和增加生态价值贯穿于开发全过程,强化用途管制,推进机制创新,科学利用黄河水,宜农则农,宜水则水,宜渔则渔,宜牧则牧,宜林则林,宜荒则荒,实现未利用地综合效益的最大化。%The pilot project of developing unused land in the Yellow River Delta began in 2011 which laid focus on increasing the arable land and guaranteeing the provincial balance of arable land.However, owing to the location, nature of the land and other factors, the development of unity failed to give full play to the function of the value of unused land.Based on the the requirements of the construction of efficient ecological economic zone in the case of the continued deterioration of the ecological environment , the devel-opment of the Yellow River Delta unused land should take full account of the economic, social, cultural, ecological and other factors and pay attention to ecological value realization throughout the whole process of development.So we should strengthen using control mechanism for promoting innovation, scientific use of the Yellow River water, advise farmers to take the local advantages of farming, water conservancy, fishing, animal husbandry, foresting, and even deserting waste land to achieve the maximum overall efficiency of the unused land.



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