首页> 中文期刊>常州大学学报(社会科学版) >世博后时代与苏南城市发展新机遇——以常州为例




2010年上海世博会对长三角周边地区的投资拉动产生了很强的辐射和溢出效应,为苏南城市发展带来新机遇。世博后时代是苏南学习世界先进国家和地区的发展理念,交流发展经验,展示发展成果的机会;是苏南抢抓机遇,深化改革,加快发展的机会;是苏南学习国际先进技术,打造国际品牌,发展跨国经济的机会。苏南城市要抓住机会,学习国际领先技术,实现多角度国际接轨;打造国际知名品牌,体现多层次国际宣传;构建国际文明城市,展现完美的国际形象;培育国际先进理念,开拓全新的国际视野;锁定国际明星企业,吸引更多的国际投资,实现经济振兴和社会发展。%The 2010 Shanghai World Expo has exerted strong radiation effects on the capital investment in the Yangtze-Delta area,which has brought new opportunities for the development of the cities in southern Jiangsu province.The 2010 Shanghai World Expo is a good chance for them to learn from the developed countries and regions the ideas for development,to exchange experiences of development,and to show their own achievements.It is also a good chance for them to speed up the development,to deepen the reform and opening,to learn advanced science and technology,to build international brands,and to further develop transnational economy.They should seize the chance to learn international advanced technology,to bring themselves in line with the international practice in all aspects,to publicize themselves to the international community,and to construct world-famous civilized cities and display perfect images.It is a good opportunity for them to cultivate advanced ideas for development and management,to develop an international view,to attract more international investments from world famous companies.All these actions aim to further the social and economic development of the cities in question.



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