首页> 中文期刊> 《长安大学学报(社会科学版)》 >国际组织的投票表决与协商一致决策机制




In order to deepen the understanding of different decision-making mechanisms of inter-national organizations,and to promote the cooperation of international community and the development of international legal system,this paper analyzes,with a comparative method,different categories of voting system and the consensus mechanism,and their respective advantages and disadvantages.The analysis shows that as the voting system contains equality and weighting features,it is good for sovereign principle and can promote efficient cooperation,but may easily lead to confrontation and unequality among the participants while the consensus mechanism can get rid of the former problems but usually take a longer period of time,resulting in deadlock.Therefore,it is better to combine the two in the decision making to avoid the potential disadvantages.%为加深对国际组织各种决策机制的认识,促进国际社会的合作和国际法律秩序的发展,运用比较研究方法对国际组织投票表决制的类型与利弊以及协商一致决策机制的特征与利弊作了细致的分析。分析认为,投票表决制包括平权表决制和加权表决制,有利于发挥主权原则,促进高效合作,但是容易导致集团对抗和牺牲公平;协商一致决策机制具有兼容并包和多赢互利的优点,但是由于时间较长而容易陷入僵局,只有综合采纳各种决策机制才能取得最佳效果。



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