首页> 中文期刊>中南大学学报(社会科学版) >西学东渐与中国近代婚姻变革思想的演进




鸦片战争后,随着民族资本主义的发展和西方文化的强势东进,西方社会的婚姻状况、人权观念、婚姻理论渐次传入中国,引起了中国社会的共鸣。大批先进知识分子对比中西方社会的婚姻状况,深刻反省和检讨了传统婚姻的不足,提出了各自的进步婚姻观。从近代婚姻变革思想的萌蘖到婚姻变革思想的形成、发展,进而直至高潮,这一思想的演变脉络,一方面折射出近代婚姻变革思想螺旋上升的轨迹,同时也清晰地彰显了西学东渐的日益加深。%After the Opium War, following the development of national capitalism and the eastward spread of Western Culture, the Western marriage status, human rights and marriage theories began to spread to China, which caused the resonance of the Chinese society. To contrast the marriage status of eastern and western, lots of intellectuals reflected and analysed the abuse of traditional marriage custom and put forward the progressive marriage thought. From the sprout of evolvement of marriage custom ideas to the form of the ideas, and to the climax, the advancement showed the ascensive contrail of the evolvement of marriage custom ideas in Modern China, and the deepening of eastward spread of Western Culture.



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