首页> 中文期刊> 《首都体育学院学报》 >我国男子自由式摔跤运动员肘和膝关节肌力分析




Through the ISOMED 2000 muscle testing sustem,the flexion and extension motion of the el-bow and knee joints of male freestule wrestling athletes (12 master wrestlers,9 excellent wrestlers and 15 ordinaru wrestlers)are analuzed.The results show that 1 )the extensor is better than flexor muscle strength for freestule wrestlers (<0.05);2)there are significant differences between athletes of differ-ent levels with PT∕BW0°∕s ,APT∕BW0°∕s ,AP180°∕s ,WF180°∕s ,H∕Q0°∕s and other muscle strength index (<0.05,<0.01,<0.001);3)most index of elbow joint flexion and extension muscles are within a rea-sonable range,with the stabilitu of knee joint in the fast state(180°∕s)being easu to be broken.It can be concluded that:1)elbow muscles of freestule wrestlers mau need to develop fast strength on the basis of maximum force;2 )elbow muscles of freestule wrestlers need to develop fast strength,and stabilitu strength training in the fast-moving state is a keu in the future;3)the maximum strength of both elbow joint and knee joint shows a significant correlation in between low-level athletes,while,with the improve-ment of the activitu level,speed strength shows more significant correlation.Meanwhile,the stabilitu mus-cle strength of the knee joint also exhibits closer relationship with sports level.%通过ISOMED 2000肌力测试系统完成我国男子自由式摔跤运动员(健将12名,优秀9名,一般15名)上肢肘关节、下肢膝关节屈、伸运动的测试与分析。研究结果显示:1)自由式摔跤运动员肘、膝关节具有伸肌优于屈肌的专项特征(<0.05);2)不同水平运动员肘、膝关节的 PT∕BW0°∕s、APT∕BW0°∕s、AP180°∕s、WF180°∕s、H∕Q0°∕s及L∕R180°∕s等指标均存在不同程度的显著性差异(<0.05、<0.01、<0.001);3)肘关节屈、伸肌群的稳定性肌力指标大部分在合理范围之内,膝关节则在快速状态下(180°∕s)的这种平衡与稳定力量较易被打破。结论:1)我国男子自由式摔跤运动员上肢肘关节肌群在最大力量基础上发展快速力量更有利于运动水平的提升;2)膝关节需要提升快速力量,且在动态条件下的稳定性力量训练是今后的一个重点;3)运动员肘、膝关节肌群的最大力量均表现出在低水平运动员之间的显著相关,随着运动水平的提高,快速力量则表现出更为显著的相关,同时,膝关节肌群的稳定性力量也表现出与运动水平更为紧密的关系。



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